Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Smoking Of Cigarette Smoking - 855 Words

Women have a precious gift that is bequeathed upon them; the gift of conception which is made possible by the love shared between a man and a woman. The tiny life they create is dependent on their mother to protect him or her from harm and provide a safe haven, right from the moment of existence. It’s a mother’s natural instinct to care for her unborn child from the very beginning. Children are sponges in one sense of the word as they absorb all of the good wholesome things that a mother has to pass down to her unborn child. Unfortunately, this also means the bad, unhealthy choices that a mother bestows on her child as well. What a mother ingests is what her growing fetus ingests through her umbilical cord; the life line from the mother to the precious innocent life she holds so dear. The goal of this paper is to give some insight on the use of cigarette smoking in pregnancy. Let’s begin with a short history of what was previously called Nicotiana. Today it is known to humans as Tobacco. Tobacco has been in existence prior to Pre-Columbian America (900 – 1500) when it was first discovered as an herb by native populations. During the 15th century, while in the New World it was observed by Columbus and some of his men that the people of this time were using this plant for medical and pleasurable treatments. These people would smoke the leaves as the plant was thought to have potential therapeutic properties such as; treating ulcerations formed by cancers, a pain remedy,Show MoreRelatedThe Dangers Of Smoking Cigarette Smoking Essay1627 Words   |  7 Pagesbecome popular around the globe, such as cigarette, cigar, e-cigarette, and chewing tobacco. The origin of the tobacco plant was in North and South America where the American Indian utilized tobacco for religious and medical purposes. Later on, many forms of tobacco have been created and harmful substances have been integrated in. After world war 1, the use of cigarette became sign ificantly notorious. Several decades later in 1964, the hazards of smoking cigarette became known to the public (Boston universityRead MoreSmoking Cigarettes791 Words   |  4 PagesWhy Smoking Cigarettes Should be Illegal Smoking cigarettes should be illegal due to the vast amount of annual deaths it causes. Smoking produces 10 times the amount of pollution that a diesel car exhaust would. This shows that not only are humans and animals affected by smoking, our environment is greatly damaged by the amount of pollution smoking creates. Smoking is something that people usually get addicted to, like a drug.This drug can cause many diseases such as lung cancer. Not only can itRead MoreSmoking Vs Cigarette Smoking1802 Words   |  8 PagesSmoker vs. Non-Smoker: Evaluating The Effects of Cigarette Smoking Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the U.S. The use of tobacco products such as cigars, pipes, hookahs, bidis, and kreteks have proven to develop various health effects. It has been linked to the following medical conditions: †¢ Aortic aneurysms †¢ bronchitis †¢ cancer of the lip or mouth †¢ cancer of the stomach †¢ cancer of the urinary bladder †¢ cervical cancer †¢ emphysema †¢ esophagus (food pipe) †¢ heartRead MoreElectronic Cigarettes And Cigarette Smoking774 Words   |  4 PagesTobacco cigarette smoking includes various physical associations such as hand and mouth motions, suckling, and taking cigarette breaks (Oh Kacker, 2014). According to Patrounova, 2015, in comparison to other forms of nicotine replacement therapies, Electronic cigarettes satisfy smokers’ needs to fulfill certain smoking rituals. Electronic cigarettes may be able to quench certain urges and cravings due to its design, which can also assist in fulfilling the habitual dependence of smokers (PatrounovaRead MoreThe Dangers of Cigarette Smoking1040 Words   |  5 PagesCigarette smoking is a dangerous habit that most users regret starting on. Nowadays, smoking can cause health problems for any human. Whether or not cigarette smoking should be banned completely, has become an object of controversy in many countries. Some people think that smoking cigarettes are a helpful way to reduce stress f or the moment. In my point of view, tobacco smoking has seriously negative effects such as smoking-related cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, cancer and it costsRead MoreThe Dangers Of Smoking Cigarettes786 Words   |  4 PagesDangers of Smoking Cigarettes are everywhere. They’re sold in almost every gas station, pharmaceutical store, and even ordinary grocery stores in the United States. Cigarettes have endorsements from celebrities, big tobacco companies, advertised on billboards, and through commercials. Smoking is a problem because it causes diseases which cost billions of dollars a year in healthcare. It is also the leading cause of diseases and deaths in the US. Smoking cigarettes is an unhealthy habit that unfortunelyRead MoreTobacco and Cigarette Smoking1030 Words   |  5 Pagesthe United States. Tobacco contains over 4,000 chemicals; approximately 250 are dangerously harmful to humans. Smoking is a major public health problem. All smokers face an increased risk of lung cancer, cardiovascular problems and many other disorders. Smoking should be banned due to the many health risks to the user, second hand related smoke illness, and excessive cost. Cigarette makers know that nicotine addiction helps sell their products. Nicotine is the main ingredient in tobacco thatRead MoreThe Dangers Of Cigarette Smoking Essay1669 Words   |  7 Pages People smoke cigarettes for various reasons. Some smoke only when they are drinking alcohol and others smoke regularly. The level of smoking among the regular smokers varies from individual to individual. There are those who smoke a cigarette or two during the day and their others who smoke at least a pack a day. How people start to smoke varies. The main entry point however is peer pressure. Many smokers came to be introduced to the habit at a young age in either high school or in college or toRead MoreEssay On Cigarette Smoking1268 Words   |  6 PagesCigarette smoking is something people all over the world have been doing for about 2000 years. Back in 2003, the first electronic cigarette was successfully created by a gentleman named Hon Lik. Lik was a 52 year old pharmacist at the time, whom of which was also a smoker. The inspiration behind making the electronic cigarette came after Lik’s father passed away from lung cancer due to him also being a heavy smoker. â€Å"A Historical Timeline of Electronic Cigarettes.† Consumer AdvocatesRead MoreThe Dangers Of Cigarette Smoking1417 Words   |  6 Pagesrisks of smoking (Doll 1998). Links between smoking and malignancy of the lip and mouth were made as early as 1795 (Sà ¶mmering), with more recent studies linking smoking with lung cancer and vascular disease (Doll 1950, Doyle 1962). Smoking was initially an accepted ‘social norm’ in society, viewed simply as a glamourous habit, with little attention paid to tobacco’s addictive nature (Cummings 2016). The concept of physical, and more so psychological, addiction in relation to cigarette smoking is a relatively

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