Monday, January 6, 2020

Internal Network Security - 1463 Words

Introduction The development of technology has brought Internet to become the mass communication media between people or companies. Through Internet, people can communicate with other people in various places. Companies can get many advantages by using Internet network to support their business. Therefore, companies are trying as hard as they can, and give high effort in protecting their network from attack and make sure that they have the best network security. Most people think that the threat of security attack is only come from outside the company. In fact, the attack from inside the company network is more harmful with high frequency to be happened. As written by Cryptek (2001), which based the argument from some articles, that†¦show more content†¦Though security policy seems less important than other techniques described above, in fact it is very important because by develop a security policy, we know exactly what is the company’ expectation of proper computer and network use and also to define procedures to prevent and respond to security incidents. This security policy is important, because in the process of developing the policy we need to do some process that will lead us to strengthen our network security. Basically there are some simple steps plan propose in the Nuts and Bolts of network security 101 (anonymous, 2002) : perform an audit with Risk Assessment; Establish and implement a Security Policy, define company security objectives and scope, define company security services and procedures; and establish guidelines for security incident handling. All the techniques and tools described above can be used to ensure that our corporate network is secure from threats, even the internal attacks. Conclusion Attacks to corporate network are not only come from outside, but also inside the company itself. Company must be able to protect their selves and ensure the secure corporate network by developing strength Internet security systems. Good network security systems that also capable to handle threats from inside, we can increase the performance of our corporate networks that can support the whole company business process, andShow MoreRelatedInternal Network Security1451 Words   |  6 Pagespeople in various places. Companies can get many advantages by using Internet network to support their business. Therefore, companies are trying as hard as they can, and give high effort in protecting their network from attack and make sure that they have the best network security. 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